Pelle Larsson’s homecoming after draft to the Miami Heat #2 #2

Three basketball players people sat on chairs being interviewed by moderator

Pelle and I have been working and had off-season workouts for a couple of years running. Knowing this, I was contacted by Skuru IK to be one of the trainers at their camp. So we planned for Pelle to join us for a surprise interactive workout to show the campers how we train during the summers. This to show and hopefully inspire the kids in how a scientifically oriented and player optimizing workout looks and how one could tailor that concept to themself. I constructed the interactive workout with a lecture format which can be seen in the video below. We had a great time welcoming back the newly drafted NBA-player and joining him was my other clients Melwin Pantzar (who also had a summer league stint) and Denzel Andersson (professional basketball player’s).

This interactive workout also followed two practices and a lecture I had held two days before for the club.


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